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Radical Honesty – Summer Retreat (in English)

Radikale Ehrlichkeit Sommer-Retreat auf english

Living Out Loud, in the Here and Now
09. - 13.07.

As our primary booking system is only available in German, you can use this English sign-up form instead: https://zeroe.aero/signup-july-2025

Radical Honesty Summer Retreat (in English)

Led by Certified Trainer Christoph Fink and Trainer Candidate Eivind Liland.

Radical Honesty is about Living Out Loud, in the Here and Now. It is a workshop format, a practice and a lifestyle that leads you to connect more deeply with yourself and with others by expressing fear, anger, appreciation and whatever else is arising in the moment.

Do you want to…

  • experience more aliveness and freedom in your life?
  • let go of shame, fear and attachment to approval?
  • overcome your fear of rejection?
  • use conflict creatively and go beyond blame?
  • learn the art of asking for what you want?
  • heal your relationships and find forgiveness?
  • experience deeper love, connection & intimacy?
If so, Radical Honesty Summer Retreat is for you!

Join us this summer in the beautiful and welcoming community ZEGG, the Center for Experimental Social Design. This 32-year old living experiment in Bad Belzig less than an hour from Berlin, has 120 people living and exploring the personal and cultural conditions for trust, connection and cooperation on a daily basis, with a particular focus on community, ecology, love and sexuality.

This retreat is open to anyone curious about Radical Honesty. It is for people who want to experience a hands-on way of having real relationships.


We will spend much of five days and four nights together, coming together as an honest community of our own. As in other Radical Honesty events, we will form a pact of truth-telling, agreeing to tell our truths for the duration of the retreat.

The retreat includes talks, directed conversations, paired exercises, small group exercises, hot seat work, meditation and much more to help you learn how to relax into intimacy based on being open and honest.

The retreat leaders are trained in facilitating Radically Honest conversations, and can assist you by:

  1. Slowing down and placing the focus on one person’s experience at a time
  2. Moving your attention to the here and to your body
  3. Empathic reflection and exploration, offering suggestions to discover what you feel and what you need, and finding the right words and ways to express yourself

Things you might learn in the workshop include:

  • What’s at the root of your fear and dysfunctional beliefs and why you have ignored it until now
  • how to create trust and a deep connection by using your senses and describing your reality
  • why your lying, concealing and dissimulating makes you ill, stands in the way of your desires and how you can stop it
  • how to find the necessary courage in your body

Location and facilities

The workshop starts on Wednesday with dinner at 6.30 p.m., and ends on Sunday with lunch at 1.00 p

In the breaks, you may explore the community area and go for walks in the surrounding nature. We are invited to spend breaks in ZEGG’s village pub with delicious warm and cold drinks and a cozy cuddle space. Lay by the pool and catch some sun. We have booked the sauna for one evening, included in the price, with additional evenings available for booking as a group upon request.

Meals and accommodation

We will be served breakfast and two warm meals per day (vegetarian with vegan options), prepared from the community’s own permaculture acres and local ecological sources.

The guest house has cozy single- and double rooms, as well as shared rooms if you like communal sleeping. You may also choose a tent or cabin, or to camp in your own tent.

Concession Rates

Concession rates may be available upon request for those with lower incomes. To request this, contact Christoph directly with a good reason: , 0176 420 907 52"

Still not sure? Radical Honesty is for you if…

  • You think other people can't handle your truth
  • You want to please everyone and contact with other people often exhausts you
  • You’re tense at family gatherings for fear of conflict
  • You’re often frustrated with your children, partner, co-workers and the rest of the "incompetent" people around you
  • You stress yourself out on dates and flirting and make an effort to do “the right thing”
  • Your sex life is boring and you’re holding back impulses, desires and fantasies
  • You’re afraid to be honest with your partner for fear of disappointing them
  • Your repressed anger has already turned into resignation, tiredness, compulsions and fantasies about quitting and breaking up

In the words of our participants:

Patrick Räuber, yoga teacher from Munich:

“I avoided my brother for 21 years. I had horrible fantasies about meeting him and avoided certain places to avoid meeting him. After one of Christoph's Radical Honesty groups, I just called him. We're talking to each other again now and we went to my parents' wedding together.
In the past I often couldn't stand talking on the phone for five minutes with my father and now we're going on vacation together and I was home for four days at Christmas.Otherwise, I used to expect others to anticipate my wishes and was often secretly angry and disappointed. Since Radical Honesty, I've had the confidence to just ask what I want."

Karen Koppitz:

"I've changed my language and I'm benefiting so much from it! I am more aware of what I want and listen to my needs. I feel more. Hugs are different.”

Nicole Winter, psychotherapist from Schwabach

“The knot burst for me. I can express my needs better and am no longer afraid of hurting others. Even if my body gets nervous - I know I can do it!"

Lars Jacobs Berlin (and I would be honored if you quote me):

“I always thought of others first, then myself. Pressured to please everyone. A typical "yes man".Now I feel into myself when I speak. I found my lightness again. And my "no-saying" does me good. The course with Selina and Christoph was one of the most intense and insightful experiences I have ever had. It showed me that any anger, any fear, any uncomfortable feeling can go away if I let myself feel it."

Raffael Krikkel, musician from Munich:

“I learned a lot about body image. Now I want to confront a lot more. Direct experience instead of my fantasies.”

There will be intense sensations and uncomfortable realizations in this course.
If you want to avoid them, this event is not for you.
This is neither therapy nor curative treatment. If you have concerns about existing illnesses, please talk to your doctor or therapist first.

As our primary booking system is only available in German, you can use this English sign-up form instead: https://zeroe.aero/signup-july-2025

Daten und Anmeldung

09. - 13.07.
Radical Honesty - Summer Retreat (in English)
Seminargebühr: 690 €
Frühbucher bis 20.07.2025: 520 €
Unterkunft, Verpflegung: € 248 - 416 zzgl. Kurtaxe
Eivind Liland, Christoph Fink
Plätze frei


Eivind ist Norweger und wohnt seit 2021 im ZEGG. Hier hat er den Übergang vom soziokratischen Raumfahrtunternehmer zum Forscher der menschlichen Verbindung vollzogen.

Als Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate assistiert er bei Seminaren und Retreats. In 2024 bietet er zusammen mit zertifizierten Radical Honesty Trainer*innen drei Retreats im ZEGG an, sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch, einschließlich des Retreats "Radical Honesty in Love, Sex and Dating".

Zusätzlich bildet er sich als Sexual- und Paartherapeut und Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie aus. Er hat einen speziellen Fokus auf die Dynamiken unkonventioneller und nicht-monogame Beziehungen und beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit den Themen Bindung und kulturelle Prägung.

Eivind ist ein empathischer und neugieriger Coach. Er unterstützt dich dabei, deine Erfahrungen von Moment zu Moment nachzuverfolgen, den Rand deines bewussten Erlebens zu erkunden und dabei alte Verletzungen und innere Konflikte zu integrieren.

Interessiert an einer tieferen Erforschung? Eivind lädt dich ein, die transformativen Möglichkeiten von Verletzlichkeit, Verbundenheit und Authentizität zu erleben. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Eivinds E-Mail lautet:

Eivind is Norwegian and has been living in ZEGG since 2021. Here, he has transitioned from being a sociocratic aerospace entrepreneur to exploring human connection. Turns out, he believes feeling your body can take you to places even a rocket can't.

As a Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate, he assists in seminars and retreats. In 2024, he is offering three retreats at ZEGG in collaboration with certified Radical Honesty Trainers, in both German and English, including the retreat "Radical Honesty in Love, Sex, and Dating."

In addition, he is in training as a sex- and relationship therapist and a Heilpraktiker (non-medical practitioner) for psychotherapy. He has a particular focus on the dynamics of unconventional and non-monogamous relationships and is especially interested in the topics of attachment and cultural conditioning.

Eivind is an empathetic and curious coach. He supports you in tracking your experiences from moment to moment, exploring the edge of your conscious awareness, helping you to explore and integrate old wounds and inner conflicts.

Interested in diving deeper? Eivind invites you to experience the transformative power of vulnerability, connection, and authenticity. We look forward to seeing you!

Eivind's email is:

„Seit meiner Jugend habe ich versucht, mir Zuneigung durch Erfolg zu verdienen. Egal ob mit Frauen, im Kampfsport, beim Meditieren oder später als Vater, es ging immer darum alles richtig zu machen. Bloß nicht enttäuschen!
Erst durch Radikale Ehrlichkeit konnte ich lähmende Unsicherheit und Schuldgefühle überwinden und endlich all die Abenteuer und Beziehungen erleben, die ich mir durch Disziplin, Anstrengung, Strategien und verschiedene Rollen vergeblich erhofft hatte. Ich möchte zeigen wie einfach tiefe Beziehungen sein können, wenn Du aufhörst Dich zu verbiegen und zu verstellen."

Christoph Fink arbeitet als Gestalt- und Traumatherapeut (Somatic Experiencing, Emotionsfokussierte Therapie) mit Einzelpersonen und Paaren. 2017 wurde er von Dr. Brad Blanton als Radical Honesty Trainer zertifiziert.

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