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Honesty in Love, Sex and Dating (in English)

4-Day Summer Retreat

05. - 09.06.
How is Love, Sex, and Dating Different When You're Honest?

“Truth in dating is not for the faint of heart” - Dr. Susan Campbell

Do you ever find yourself trapped in a cycle of pretense, repeating the same patterns, hitting the same barriers?
Desire for love, affection, touch and intimacy is at the core of our human existence. We all yearn to be accepted and wanted.
It's no surprise, then, that we often feel lost in the world of love, sex, and dating, and that we resort to pretense and avoidance. Often, we struggle with expressing our true desires, and go along with things that don't align with our inner truth.

In this workshop, we confront these challenges head-on. We'll practice articulating our fears and desires and find the right words to express what we truly want and need.

Have you ever

• Said yes when you wanted to say no?
• Said no when you wanted to say yes?
• Wondered how someone feels about you, but not dared to ask?
• Had your feelings hurt but didn’t admit it?
• Felt angry but acted like everything was fine?
• Been jealous but acted cool?
• Pretended to like someone more than you did?
• Pretended to like someone less than you did?
• Felt physically affectionate, but didn’t want to appear eager, easy or horny?
• Felt appreciative, but held yourself back?
• Pretended to be more turned on than you really were?
• Had sex with someone to avoid conflict or confrontation?
• Lied to protect someone’s feelings?
• Felt nervous or inhibited with someone you’re especially attracted to?
• Wished you would be more spontaneous and natural with someone you’re just getting to know?

Do you want to experience a more profound intimacy - one rooted in truth and authenticity?

If so, this residential retreat is for you


We will spend much of five days and four nights together, coming together as an honest community of our own. We will form a pact of truth-telling, agreeing to tell our truths for the duration of the retreat.
Activities include talks, directed conversations, paired exercises, small group exercises, meditation, movement and exercises in nonverbal communication, to help you learn how to relax into intimacy based on being open and honest.
The conversations will revolve around love, sex and dating. We will explore topics around communication of boundaries, relationship agreements and styles.
Drawing on the facilitators' ongoing and completed training in Radical Honesty, Sex- and Relationship Therapy, the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin, and Getting Real and Truth in Dating by Dr. Susan Campbell, we will consider our cultural programming and facilitate a shift from controlling to relating. Through exercises, we will pay attention to our bodies, communicate boundaries and ask for what we want.
The retreat is designed to help you connect more deeply with yourself and with others by expressing fear, anger, appreciation and whatever else is arising in the moment. Inhonest interactions, the facilitators can assist you by:
• Slowing down and placing the focus on one person’s experience at a time
• Moving your attention to the here and to your body
• Empathic reflection and exploration, offering suggestions to help discover what you feel and what you need, and finding the right words and ways to express yourself.

Location and facilities

Join us this summer in ZEGG, the Center for Experimental Cultural Design. This more than 30-year old living experiment, an hour from Berlin, has 120 people living and exploring the personal and cultural conditions for trust, connection and cooperation on a daily basis, with a particular focus on community, ecology, love and sexuality.
In the breaks, you may explore the community grounds and go for walks in the surrounding nature. Visit ZEGG’s village pub with delicious drinks, take a swim in the pool and enjoy the sun. We have booked the sauna for one evening, included in the price, with additional evenings available for booking as a group upon request.
The workshop takes place in the San Diego building located on the ZEGG community grounds.

Still not sure?

Honesty in Love, Sex and Dating is for you if you’re…
• holding yourself back, scared of being too much, or not enough
• paralyzed with fear of rejection
• going along, instead of saying what you actually want
• don’t actually know what you want
• longing for feeling wanted and loved
• scared of stepping over boundaries
• struggling to express boundaries
• struggling with the balance between autonomy and commitment
• feeling almost too shy to talk about love, sex and dating, but would like to
• longing for more depth and intimacy
• pressuring yourself to be cool and sexy
• pressuring yourself to be strong, brave and competent
• want to please everyone and contact with other people often exhausts you
• stress yourself out on dates and flirting and make an effort to do “the right thing”
• Your sex life is boring and you’re holding back impulses, desires and fantasies
• You’re afraid to be honest with your partner for fear of disappointing them

It is not for you if you
• don't want to tell the truth
• want to stay in your comfort zone at all times
• don't want to hear participants expressing themselves loudly at times
• participate to change others in your life rather than yourself

Concession rates may be available upon request for those with lower incomes. Contact Eivind to request this on:
We welcome participants of all genders. During the exercises, genders will be mixed to promote an inclusive and diverse experience. Please note that this is not a dating event, but a space for personal growth and exploration.
This workshop is neither therapy nor a curative treatment. We encourage anyone with concerns about existing illnesses to consult with their doctor or therapist as well as asking us before participating.
Be prepared for a journey that may evoke intense sensations and uncomfortable realizations. If you prefer to avoid such experiences, this event is not suitable for you.
While we might not address every aspect mentioned in this event description directly, the retreat is designed to equip you with tools to tackle these challenges.

Daten und Anmeldung

05. - 09.06.
Honesty in Love, Sex and Dating (in English)
Seminargebühr: 690 €
Frühbucher bis 05.05.2024: 520 €
Unterkunft, Verpflegung: € 236 - 392 zzgl. Kurtaxe
Anna Haas, Eivind Liland
Details folgen
*) Hinweis: Die Online-Anmeldung steht für diese Veranstaltung nicht zur Verfügung.


Angebot: Workshops & Coaching

Getting Real / Radical Honesty Trainerin und Somatic Coach aus Berlin

Ich habe Radical Honesty 2016 entdeckt und nur den Namen zu lesen, hat bei mir schon richtig viel in Bewegung gebracht. Ich war gleichzeitig fasziniert von dem Gedanken und hatte total Schiss davor, was passieren könnte, wenn ich radikal ehrlich wäre. Dabei ist mir klar geworden wie viel ich zurück halte, von dem was in mir los ist.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich gelernt besser wahrzunehmen was ich will und direkt danach zu fragen, selbst wenn ich ein Nein erwarte. Ich vermeide nicht mehr alle Situationen, in denen ich befürchte rot zu werden, sondern mache das worauf ich Lust habe trotzdem und bin bis jetzt noch nie tatsächlich im Boden versunken. Ich drücke Ärger und Wertschätzung direkt aus, statt unterschwellige Andeutungen zu machen oder so zu tun als wenn nichts wäre. Ich fühle mich tiefer verbunden mit anderen, ohne mich dabei so anzupassen, wie ich es vorher oft gemacht habe. Ich habe mit Menschen aus meiner Vergangenheit gesprochen und alte, ungelöste Sachen aufgelöst. Ich habe gelernt, zwischen dem was ich tatsächlich wahrnehme und dem was ich mir vorstelle zu unterscheiden und manchmal frage ich nach, ob mein Gegenüber tatsächlich gerade das denkt oder fühlt, was ich mir vorstelle.

Und vor allem gestalte ich mein Leben - privat und beruflich - jetzt viel bewusster aktiv und kreativ selber.

Es ist meine große Leidenschaft, Menschen dabei zu begleiten, sich selbst, in all ihrer Komplexität, besser kennenzulernen, anzunehmen und zu zeigen. Und dabei ihre ganz individuellen Ressourcen zu entdecken und zu entfalten.

Dafür biete ich Workshops und Einzelcoaching an. Ich bin Radical Honesty Trainerin, Getting Real und Systemischer Gestalt Coach sowie Pantarei Practitioner. Ich habe mich bei der School of Consent weitergebildet und bin Trauma-Informed Practitioner (NARM).

Webseite: annahaas.net

Getting Real / Radical Honesty Trainer and Somatic Coach from Berlin

I first heard of Radical Honesty in 2016, and just reading the name already set a lot in motion for me. I was simultaneously fascinated by the idea and totally scared of what could happen if I was more honest. It became clear to me how much I was holding back from what was going on inside me.

Over the past few years, I have learned to better perceive what I want and to ask for it directly, even if I expect a no. I no longer avoid all situations where I fear blushing, but I do what I feel like doing anyway, and so far, I have never actually sunk into the ground. I express anger and appreciation directly instead of making subtle hints or pretending that nothing is wrong. I feel more deeply connected to others without adapting myself as I often did before. I have talked to people from my past and resolved old unresolved issues. I have learned to distinguish between what I actually perceive and what I imagine, and sometimes I ask if the other person is actually thinking or feeling what I imagine.

And above all, I now consciously and creatively shape my life - both personally and professionally - more actively and intentionally.

It is my great passion to accompany people in getting to know themselves better in all their complexity, to accept themselves, and to show themselves. And to discover and unfold their very individual resources in the process.

For this purpose, I offer workshops and individual coaching. I am a certified Radical Honesty trainer, Getting Real and Systemic Gestalt Coach, and Pantarei Practitioner. I have also trained with the School of Consent and am a Trauma-Informed Practitioner (NARM).


Eivind ist Norweger und wohnt seit 2021 im ZEGG. Hier hat er den Übergang vom soziokratischen Raumfahrtunternehmer zum Forscher der menschlichen Verbindung vollzogen.

Als Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate assistiert er bei Seminaren und Retreats. In 2024 bietet er zusammen mit zertifizierten Radical Honesty Trainer*innen drei Retreats im ZEGG an, sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch, einschließlich des Retreats "Radical Honesty in Love, Sex and Dating".

Zusätzlich bildet er sich als Sexual- und Paartherapeut und Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie aus. Er hat einen speziellen Fokus auf die Dynamiken unkonventioneller und nicht-monogame Beziehungen und beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit den Themen Bindung und kulturelle Prägung.

Eivind ist ein empathischer und neugieriger Coach. Er unterstützt dich dabei, deine Erfahrungen von Moment zu Moment nachzuverfolgen, den Rand deines bewussten Erlebens zu erkunden und dabei alte Verletzungen und innere Konflikte zu integrieren.

Interessiert an einer tieferen Erforschung? Eivind lädt dich ein, die transformativen Möglichkeiten von Verletzlichkeit, Verbundenheit und Authentizität zu erleben. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Eivinds E-Mail lautet:

Eivind is Norwegian and has been living in ZEGG since 2021. Here, he has transitioned from being a sociocratic aerospace entrepreneur to exploring human connection. Turns out, he believes feeling your body can take you to places even a rocket can't.

As a Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate, he assists in seminars and retreats. In 2024, he is offering three retreats at ZEGG in collaboration with certified Radical Honesty Trainers, in both German and English, including the retreat "Radical Honesty in Love, Sex, and Dating."

In addition, he is in training as a sex- and relationship therapist and a Heilpraktiker (non-medical practitioner) for psychotherapy. He has a particular focus on the dynamics of unconventional and non-monogamous relationships and is especially interested in the topics of attachment and cultural conditioning.

Eivind is an empathetic and curious coach. He supports you in tracking your experiences from moment to moment, exploring the edge of your conscious awareness, helping you to explore and integrate old wounds and inner conflicts.

Interested in diving deeper? Eivind invites you to experience the transformative power of vulnerability, connection, and authenticity. We look forward to seeing you!

Eivind's email is: